February 24, 2010

Today was my first act of random kindness for RAKE 2010. I knew of this teacher that I thought was under appreciated and could use some inspiration. So I went to Walmart and bought a bud vase for $1 and a few roses for $5. I gave them to one of her colleagues I knew and she delivered the flowers onto the teachers desk during breakfast. I heard back from her co-worker that she was in tears and was so thankful for the gift. It made her day. She said she had been down and ill lately and felt like no one cared, and that the small gift and the idea behind it moved her. So there's one example how $6 and one random act of kindness made someone's day, and encouraged them that there is always someone out there who cares. I can't wait for tomorrow! Now, let's get out there and make a difference! God bless you all!

Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person." - Anonymous

February 25, 2010

Today I went through the drive-thru at taco bell and ordered my favorite item: a cheesy gordita crunch. YUM.  When I pulled up to the window to pay, I asked the cashier if I could pay for the order of the people behind me.  I did and then I started to drive off, forgetting my own food in the process lol.  The cashier stopped me and asked "do you want your order or are you buying me lunch today as well?"  haha.....anyway, turns out the people behind me were a young couple and I'm glad I could save them some money.  I wish I could've saw their faces when they learned that their food was already paid for :)  Best $12 taco I ever bought ;)   I'm just getting started.  Help me out if you will, let's spread the unconditional love that comes from God.  Let's do this.
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.  Matthew 6:24 (NIV)

February 26, 2010

Today, me and my fiance traveled to Columbia, Ky to visit some old friends from a college we attended there last year.  It was great seeing some friendly faces that I've missed.  My act of kindness for today involved us passing out treats we made to certain people at the school.  We made oreo balls....delicious!  Anyway, everyone loved seeing us and talking to us, and they loved the candy!  I saw a whole lot of smiles today, and that makes me happy.  Just a small act today, but it brought about so much kindness.  However, part of me sits here brokenhearted as I type this. 

You see, on our way back through Corbin, we saw a homeless man at a busy traffic light begging for food or money.  His hands shook as he held his sign that asked so many blessed people for help, stating that every little bit would help.  He was desperate.  I guess it's a paradox, because for all the smiling faces I witnessed today, his desolate face will remain in my memory for some time.  I've never actually saw someone up so close that hungry.  He was so hungry.  Thank God, my fiance had packed two sandwiches for our lunch.  We didn't eat them because a friend from Columbia treated us to lunch. 

So we stopped, even with the light being green and traffic backed up, and gave the man the sandwiches.  I'm shook up because he stared at me out of some sort of fear or unnecessary caution, I'm not sure which; and I had to motion him over with the sandwiches like I would a dog on the other side of the room.  Everyone deserves food and shelter.  He is not a dog.  He's somebody's son.  He's God's son.  Love is the motion, and I fear too many of us are standing still, frozen in our daily, monotonous routines.  God will remain invisible until we become His hands and feet.  God bless you all.

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’  Matthew 25:40

February 27, 2010

Today, me and my fiance Julia went to our favorite coffee shop here in town.  After ordering our frappes, we chatted with the cashier awhile and then asked her if we could get a $5 gift certificate.  We told her of our intentions and she gladly wrote out a gift certificate for us, while telling us that she once payed for someone's food in a drive-thru and that it felt great.  I have to agree with her.  So anyway, after we left the shop, we handed the gift to a young man and woman and they seemed to really appreciate it.  They were wonderful people, I could tell, and smiled at us while looking at the envelope that contained the gift.  We wrote down a short message and the web address to this blog and I hope they, along with everyone reading this, will join everybody involved with RAKE 2010 as we continue to bring a little more of God's love to people everyday. Thanks for everything you all, God bless!  :)

"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate."  - Albert Schweitzer

February 28, 2010

Today, my fiance and I bought pink roses for a breast cancer patient in her family.  She is bed-ridden and can't get out to enjoy things like she used to, so we brought her that small gift to make her smile.  She loved the roses, and she said that it made everything better and brightened her day.  Keep up the good work everybody.  Remember that kindness and love trump all.  God bless.  :)

"No, Act of Kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop

March 1, 2010

I prayed today that I would find someone I could perform an act of kindness for.  While waiting in line at Walmart to check out, my prayer was answered.  I saw a young couple with a newborn baby buying their items.  I noticed that their items consisted of things necessary for the baby, like lots and lots of baby formula.  It then dawned on me that it was the first of the month and as I watched the couple place their checks on the conveyor belt, I knew that the large majority of what little money these people had was just spent for their tiny baby.  I checked out behind them, grabbing a gift card and asking the cashier to put $25 on it.  I was checked out quickly, and was able to catch up with the family before they left the store.  I approached the young woman and told her I wanted them to have the gift card.  She looked at me puzzled.  I explained to them both that I was conducting this experiment through a blog online, and that I wanted them to have the money - no strings attached.  They thanked me, although I think that they were still baffled that someone would do that - and wondering why lol.  As I walked away, I overheard the young father ask his wife if she wanted to go back inside the store.  :)  I hope they got themselves a little something, putting their child's needs first is very noble of them, and they deserve the kindness.  Great start to what I hope will be a very kind March.  God bless!

I am only one, but I am one.  I cannot do everything, but I can do something.  And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.  ~Edward Everett Hale

March 2, 2010

Today, I took some cookies I made last night to a local radio station here in town.  They were recording their morning show when the cookies were delivered to them.  They were thankful and loved the idea of random acts of kindness.  I know they enjoyed the cookies, because they ate them live on-air and broadcast this blog over the airwaves!  Tomorrow, I am going to take more cookies to my neighbors, and hopefully brighten up their day!  :)  God bless!

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let love come in.  - Morrie Schwartz

Just an update for you all: I've been super busy planning a wedding that is 5 1/2 weeks away, so add that to my criminal law classes and I've been so tied down with things that I haven't had the time to make daily posts lately.  But hopefully soon some of my classwork will die down and I'll get a handle on this wedding planning.  I have made cookies for my neighbors and I'm trying to get a hold of some youth pastors of a local church to give some treats I made.  I hope to get back asap, thanks for the patience and thank you so much for all the kindness you all are spreading! God bless you all!!!


  1. I love seeing faces light up when we help them out or even just give them a little something smile about. Thanks for all you've done. You've pulled me out of a rut. This was just the spring I needed in my step. Keep this up. God is in this and He will guide us in all we do. We will reach people. Again, thanks. I needed this. This group, alone, has been an act of kindness to me.

  2. i think what you are doing is great. i heard you were from middlesboro. if so, maybe we could meet up. i see things the way you do, and hate to see the way the world has become

  3. me at

  4. I have to admit, this is all very neat. I love the idea, I don't exactly believe in god, but karma I do believe in. That's only the slight motivation for myself whenever I'm in a sour mood. Otherwise I'm always trying to be upbeat with everyone around me, listening and talking with all my peers. I'm still in school you see, so I can't do much, but it doesn't stop me from doing the little things. Even the little things, receive big reactions. =)

  5. Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. - Mother Teresa

  6. I am blessed in so many ways reading your posts and it encourages me to join the RAKE 2010. I am looking for small ways to bless others daily. I love you guys.

  7. nothing since march? i found this site through fb, and the thought behind it seems awesome. but it shouldn't have been allowed to die out. it needs a revival. i'm about to start my day. i wonder if i can find a way to be randomly kind...
